The ministry of lector is a sacred responsibility which requires careful preparation, prayer, meditation and practice. At the ambo the lector proclaims the readings that precede the gospel reading. Proclamation of God’s Word requires good communication skills. A lector does not merely read, but communicates with reverence God’s message to his people.
The ordinary ministers of communion at Mass are Bishops, priests and deacons, by virtue of their ordination. Extraordinary Ministers serve whenever an ordinary minister
(Bishop, priest or deacon) is unavailable, whenever the usual minister is unable to administer communion without difficulty because of poor health, advanced age, or the demands of the pastoral ministry, or whenever the number of faithful wishing to receive communion is so great that the celebration of Mass would be unduly long.
Extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist exercise their ministry during the Mass, at a Sunday Celebration in the Absence of a Priest, and to the homebound, hospital patients, and nursing home communities outside Mass. Extraordinary ministers are ministers of both the bread and the cup. Extraordinary Ministers are not simply distributing items to individuals, but participating in an essential moment in the mystery of faith, a moment of inviting others and self to recognize and reverence the body and blood of Christ. Extraordinary ministers help in the distribution of Communion in order that the faithful, who wish to share in the Sacred Banquet, may not be deprived of this sacramental help and consolation. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic must be examples of Christian living in faith and conduct; they must strive to grow in holiness through this sacrament of unity and love.
Extend hospitality. Become a greeter and usher. An usher is more than a money collector or door opener. Ushers exercise a true ministry of hospitality that helps build community and assist in preparing our brother and sisters for participation in the sacrament of unity. It originates with the Order of Porter, one of the steps to the priesthood. Women are welcome and encouraged.
Hospitality Ministry: Hospitality embodies the gospel values of openness, inclusion, recognition, and reconciliation, which are best illustrated in the open table fellowship of Jesus himself. The spirituality of hospitality must have the paschal mystery at its heart. The values and attitudes of spirituality of hospitality reflect the kingdom of God itself; powerlessness, poverty, and service, interdependency of our existence, self-emptying, fellowship and communion with others. Authentic hospitality opens up our capacity for intra-ecclesial dialogue, inviting conversation and transforming interaction with others.
St. Christopher Parish Altar Servers are boys and girls who have been called by God to assist the Priest and the Deacon primarily at weekend Masses, funerals, weddings and special celebrations. This ministry provides an opportunity for Catholic youth to serve God and their parish family. Youth who have completed First Holy Communion are eligible to serve. Among the tasks these boys and girls perform are: lighting of the candles, assisting with the gifts and carrying the Processional Cross.
Anyone interested to wanting more information or to sign up please use the sign up sheet in the sidebar of this page or contact the parish office.