As you know, our parish is going through a time of transformation. Change can be difficult and even painful at times, yet the Holy Spirit continues to bless us with incredible grace from God. Our parish family, as disciples of our Lord Jesus, continually bears good fruit in the giving and loving support of our numerous volunteers. Our community continues to provide a welcoming, family atmosphere for the faithful people who have worshiped and celebrated the sacraments with us. If you can, try and add up the number of hours offered by members of our parish family to welcome newcomers, proclaim the scriptures in word and song, serve at the liturgies, and assist with the distribution of Holy Communion. Then include those who give hours of time and talent as catechists and assistance in religious education. And then there are the ‘behind the scenes’ folks who keep up our parish campus inside and out, help with the day-to-day needs in the office, and those who never say ‘no’ to any request when a need arises.
Our parish, however, has significant material needs. Our parish buildings have suffered from deferred maintenance over the last several decades. We were able to demolish old buildings, thanks in large part to the generosity of other parishes. In addition, we cut down dead trees, replaced leaky gas pipes and a faulty water line. We have substantial challenges including renovating the old rectory into office and classroom space. We must pay off the new rectory and reseal the parking lot. We must accomplish these important needs to move forward and build the future of St. Christopher parish. Your parish needs your support.
Prayer and a generous spirit is the engine behind it all. Through prayer and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we are able to further our mission to ‘proclaim, witness and share the Good News of Jesus Christ’.
As we strive to be disciples, good stewardship is certainly a disciple’s response. Stewardship is about doing the work of Christ, engaging our many resources to further the ministry and mission of Jesus Christ and the Church. To do this, I am hoping that you can increase your sacrificial giving to the offertory collection. Our parish’s future success depends on your generosity.
Our parish must grow and attract new families if we are to make an impact in our community. North Marana is growing rapidly and we must grow also in order to serve Christ’s puposes in this mission territory. We have the responsibility to be a beacon of hope and light in our community. With programming, staffing, services and hopefully new facilities to welcome and grow new disciples, and engage others to meet the needs in Marana, we must become the light that shines, not under a basket, but atop of a hill. Jesus appoints us to spread the good news, the joy of the Gospel message.
With this in mind, I invite you as part of our parish community to respond to our “New Beginnings + New Promises in Christ” Program. Please review the content of this brochure and consider how you and your family can help our St. Christopher parish family to continue the work of Christ. Our goal is a simple one: to substantially increase our Sunday offertory contributions. My hope is for a 30% increase in giving, if you are able. A special Commitment Sunday will be held on November 9th and 10th to allow parish family members to connect with one another and to make a prayerful sacrifice. Please join me as I commit to our “New Beginnings + New Promises in Christ” program. Your financial support to our ministries will further our mission and reinforce our future.
Thank you for your generosity, prayers, and commitment to St. Christopher Catholic Parish!
With Peace and Prayers,
Father Edson Elizarrarás